Monday, December 19, 2011

Rudolph & Bells

 We have not been super into Christmas projects this season. In fact our whole "Christmasing" got off to a slow start because my husband and I were lucky enough to be able to start the month with a brief trip to Florida. I'm sure you warm weathered people love it, but something about this picture seems wrong to me, especially knowing it was almost 80 degrees outside when I took it.
 I did love the sand version of the classic Rudolph Christmas special on TV every year. Which leads me to...
 Pre-packed crafts! There is no shame in going to Michael's (or whatever craft store you use) and picking up a box or two of Christmas crafts (discounted to $4 each). I thought the kids might like them. Even though at the store they both wanted the kit with the Abominable, they agreed on getting on of each to make our "village" more awesome. Some parts were definitely for older kids (or in our case mom), but overall it was just perfect. (The decorated Christmas trees were a little tricky.)
 So cute, huh? Now if we treat it nice (and keep the foam away from the cat who likes to chew it!) and pack it carefully, we'll be able to display this for a few more years.
The other project, a jingle bell necklace, was pretty much all done by me, but if you have the right ribbon to bell hole (or whatever you would like to call it) ratio then a child could definitely do this one.
 You won't need much, just some beads if you like it to be a little prettier, some festive ribbon, jingle bells, and scissors. I also used a lighter to singe the edges of the ribbon. I figured out the length that would fit around my son's head, added a few inches and then cut, threaded the bell and then the ribbon. Finish it all of with a knoy at the end and if you like singe the edges of the ribbon so it won't unravel.
And then repeat that about 25 more times so that all the kids in your child's class can have one! If your kids aren't out yet for a couple of days you have time for this. My son's kindergarten class absolutely loved theirs.

1 comment:

  1. That first pictures reminds me of living in L.A.. I missed the snow ;)
