Monday, February 20, 2012

Fine Motor Skills Activities Checklists

You might be sick of me talking about fine motor skills at this point, but I am sort of on a roll with it at our house. I am a serious "to do list", charts, grids, etc kind of person. I wanted a better way to track how often we were doing which fine motor activities, so I made a monthly check list. After I did my research online to find all kinds of ideas of fine motor activities that weren't the obvious writing and cutting, I made a two page checklist to use each month to make sure we were getting some variety in our activities and to track to make sure we were in fact working on my daughter's fine motor skills. I am proud to say that during our last parent teacher conference my daughter's teacher said her writing and cutting had greatly improved and she was showing noticeably less frustration over the last few months while doing those things. Success! :) Our journey will still continue though. Anyway, if this is helpful at all, here are the two

I will continue to post about individual activities as well.

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