Monday, April 13, 2009

Edible Birds Nest

I think Spring may just finally be here in our neck of the woods. In honor of those beautiful sounds we love hearing early in the morning, from the sweet little birds in our trees, we decided to make birds nest, edible ones. They turned out delicious and were so very easy to make.
All you need is:
-5oz Chow Mein Noodles
-12oz pkg of Chocolate Chips
-1/2 Cup of Creamy Peanut Butter

***Melt chocolate chips in micro wave, mix in peanut butter, then add chow mein noodles and mix in until covered completely. Take a spoonful and drop on greased cookie sheet. Create into the shape and look you would like for your nest. Place in freezer for about 45-60min to harden. then add whopper Easter eggs or jelly beans for your eggs. Each & Enjoy!***

We also discussed why nest are built, who builds them, what they are built with and what we would use if we were building our own nests. It made for a fun discussion and a very yummy treat. Here is a great book to share too.

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