Thursday, November 17, 2011

Felt Turkey Folders

A couple of years ago I compiled a post of a few Thanksgiving activities I had seen online. Last year I made the felt turkey board and never posted it. It is super easy, and with thanksgiving still a week away, there is plenty of time for you kids to enjoy one.
This will come together pretty quickly and requires supplies you may just have on hand: colored felt, glue, file folder, googly eyes, and a stapler/tape/sewing machine & thread.
The first thing I did was sew around 2 of the open edges of the folder. You could use tape or staples also. If you can do it though, I'd really recommend sewing just because it stays together and there are no snaggy staple.
I picked a neutral color for the background and then glued it, a turkey body, and 3 partial feathers on. I added the 3 feathers by the head once I realized it looked weird having full length feathers by the top of the head. you can avoid that step by just making the body round. Add some feet, eyes, beak, and that weird red thing. Pick several "turkey feather-ish" colors and cut them out in a feather shape.
All of the feathers can be stored in the pocket so that they are easy to find.
My kids have enjoyed just plain old decorating the turkey by themselves. Sometimes we have played a game where we build a turkey will a full set of feathers (we have 10, not including those glues on ones) and then one person looks away while the other takes a feather. The other person then has to guess which color of feather is missing. To make it a bit trickier for an older child, you can not put on all 10 feathers in the first place making it harder to determine which color is gone.
The other fun game we play (which is similar to the original idea) is to match turkeys. I made 2 because I have 2 boys and it is more fun for them to have their own (plus they are so cheap and easy to make). By having 2 we copy patters, alternating who gets to make the original design. 
Well, I hope you have a great Thanksgiving. We've got a busy week ahead in and out of town, so I'm not sure that I will be back to post again.

1 comment:

Natalie said...

I thought I had already commented on this...but I love this idea. I think it would be fun to try all different felt themes too - flower petals, etc. I think I'm gonna try one of these - very clever!