Saturday, March 16, 2013

Growing Easter Grass

We thought it would be fun this year to grow our own Easter grass.

NOW is a perfect time to start in order to have some fun grass for Easter

We saw a tutorial HERE and gathered our supplies....


The girls were super excited at the idea.
First we found some fun containers from around the house.  We grabbed a few unusual choices and then filled them with potting soil

I had some fun tin containers that I didn't want to get ruined  - we lined them with the bottom half of a gallon baggie.

Then we filled the containers with soil to about 1/2 to 1 inch from the top

 Next we sprayed the soil with a spray bottle to moisten the dirt.  
 Finally come the wheat.  We put our on dry but also decided to soak some overnight to see if it germinated faster.(which it did)
 We placed the wheat seeds on the top of the moist soil.

Then covered the containers with plastic wrap to create a "greenhouse" effect.  

Then placed the containers on the table near the sunny window. Then the waiting began.....

Day 1

Day 2 Each day we would lift off the plastic wrap and spray the seeds. 

Day 5  We started to see roots appear within a 2-3 days and then on day 4-5 the green started to emerge.
 We continued to daily spray the seeds and once the green shoots started to reach the plastic wrap - we took it off permanently.

Day7 - As the grass grew longer we  sprayed twice a day to  match the growing root system.  The kids loved to call it giving the grass a "Rainstorm".

Day 9 - the grass seemed to grow really quickly within a week of first seeing any roots - the grass looked like this

Day 12  Within a few days after that it was time to give the grass a "Haircut"
 The kids were really excited to do this.

 After the initial trimming the kids thought i would be fun "shape" it - with artistic flair

 It was fun to see how much they got into the creative process

End result was some super fun Spring grass.  

All you need is about 12 days - to get to planting so you have have some really Easter Grass.

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